A lot of my readers feel that gardening may just be some distant dream they have that will never come true. I sometimes receive correspondence asking for advice on how to get started, without all the cost associated with hiring a landscape designer. I reckon therefore that we should be talking about gardening on a budget.
Many believe that gardening can cost a lot of money. If you want a lavish lawn of beautiful flowers or produce, you have to spend a lot, or so somebody who's either lazy or trying to sell you something might have you believe. However, take it from me, it doesn't really have to cost that much! You can always start a little project with little money while gardening on a budget! Just follow these simple tips:
Biting Off Only What You Can Chew. The key to gardening on a budget is gauging exactly what you can handle. You don't want a lot of your supplies to go to waste simply because you find that you no longer have a need for them. Before starting out, determine exactly how much you're willing to dedicate to this project.
Starting Out Small. The next tip is to start out small. The trick is to just get a few seedlings and care for them in a manageable garden. If you only have a few plants to tend to, your time and wallet will not be significantly impacted.
Keeping Track of What You Have. The next step is to be aware of what you already have in your supplies. It pays to list down all the fertilizers, insect repellents, pots and other supplies that you already have. A lot of new gardeners make the mistake of overstocking things because they thought that they were already running out. A little trick that I do: I keep a list of my supplies on a corkboard and a whiteboard right in front of my storage and another next to my refrigerator where I keep my grocery list as well. As I list down what I have, I keep track of what I am spending and what I still have a lot of. Keep up-to-date and accurate records as you would for any budget.
Listing What You Need. Now that you have a record of your supplies, after running out, make a list of the things you need. After making the list, check and recheck your supplies to see whether or not you are actually running out.
"Scheduling" Supplies. And lastly, make a habit of scheduling the use of your supplies. Have a planned schedule for applying fertilizers and repellents and make a habit out of it. By doing this, you will have a better handle on your inventory and how it's used. This way, you can spend and conserve accordingly.
Gardening does not need to be expensive. Just follow these few simple steps to spend less and get more green out of life!
Lisa Van Til is a dedicated gardener from Michigan. She enjoys gardening and exchanging tips and techniques with her fellow gardeners. She is a Bestselling Author on Amazon thanks to her series of Little Gardening Guides. For more information and samples of her guides, please visit http://www.lisavantil.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lisa_Van_Til
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